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What's going on at ReCon 2024?

How Does the Tabletop Gaming Flea Market Work?

Mark Your Items

Mark each item individually with price and your name or seller ID

Enjoy ReCon

Event volunteers will handle all of your sales while you play games

Provide a Price List

Provide a reference list of all items for sale, including your asking price

Collect Revenue

Check in with event volunteer before you leave ReCon for the day

Sign Agreement

Review / sign seller agreement with event volunteer at flea market

Collect Items

Any items not collected will either be donated to ReCon or discarded

New Fee Structure Detailed Below

Flea Market Fee Structure

$0.50  |  for every item listed and

5% fee of net final sales (rounded up to nearest dollar) 

Sale board games, card games, RPG source books, miniatures, gaming acessories


All the funds raised will be used to support local H.O.P.E. for Belarus families this summer!

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